We face the most complex digital threat landscape of our lifetime. Geopolitical and economic uncertainty, resource wars, and an increasingly fragmented world order are only creating new incentives for nation state hackers and cybercriminals. “Software eats world,” “Move Fast and Break Things,” the race to automate, and our head-first embrace of A.I., have created new opportunities for cyberespionage and sabotage and give our enemies an asymmetric advantage.
Cybersecurity is at the critical inflection point. Answering this digital threat landscape demands a radical new approach.
Silver Buckshot is a cyber mission fund. We are not in the cybersecurity business; we are in the saving civilization business. We scour the earth in search of the visionaries and talent primed to take on our hardest cyber challenges. We work hand-in-hand with these founders, leveraging our unique access, network and megaphone to force-amplify best-in-breed solutions.